Data Asset Declaration Files

This page aims to give a short reference on the options for Airtunnel’s data asset declaration files. Most importantly, the name of each declaration file has to exactly reflect to the name we want to call each individual data asset.

The tutorial will also walk through the usage of these declarations in a more interactive approach.


With any data asset declaration a type definition is mandatory.

Allowed values for the type property are: ingested and derived

type: derived

A declaration for a data asset of type derived does not need any further sections, i.e. a declaration file with only

type: derived

will be valid.

However, for derived data assets the sections load and extra can be optionally used:

type: derived

      out_storage_format: csv
      out_compression_codec: gzip

      maintainer: Tom

type: ingested

For ingested data assets, the section ingest is required. Additionally, the sections load, transformation and extra are optional. Refer to the following chapters that explain these sections and give examples.


This chapter will give a reference on the declaration file sections with their properties and defaults.


Required declarations:

  • file_input_glob: a string with a glob pattern to retrieve matching input files from the landing directory

Optional declarations:

  • in_storage_format: The storage format of the input files. csv|xls|parquet , will default to: csv

  • archive_ingest: Should the ingested data be archived? True|False, will default to: True


Optional declarations:

  • out_storage_format: The storage format to use when writing into the ready layer. csv|parquet, will default to: parquet

  • out_compression_codec: The compression codec to use when writing into the ready layer. gzip|snappy|none, will default to: gzip

  • archive_ready: Whether the pre-existing ready data should be archived on loaded. True|False, will default to: True

  • run_ddl: Only for SQLDataAssets, and used by the SQLTransformationOperator. Indicates if a DDL file should always be run before running a DML script. True|False, will default to True

  • key_columns: A list of key columns for this data asset. No default value.

Consider this example of a load section:

  out_storage_format: parquet
    - student_id
  out_compression_codec: gzip
  archive_ready: yes


Optional declarations:

  • in_column_renames: Can be used to specify a rename map from source column names to target column names.

  • in_date_formats: Can be used to specify a map of input data format strings per source column.

Consider this example of a transformation section to define a column rename from student to student_first_name:

    student_name: student_first_name


Schemaless, non verified additional properties one wants to declare.