airtunnel.operators.sql package


airtunnel.operators.sql.sql_helpers module

A module with several SQL helpers used for Airtunnel.

airtunnel.operators.sql.sql_helpers.execute_script(connection, statements: Iterable[str]) → None

Executes a SQL script.

  • connection – a live DB connection, implementing execute() as in Python DB API (PEP:249)

  • statements – list of individual SQL statements to execute



airtunnel.operators.sql.sql_helpers.execute_statement(db_conn, sql_statement) → None

Executes a single SQL statement on a DB connection.

airtunnel.operators.sql.sql_helpers.format_sql_script(sql_script: str, sql_params_dict: Dict[str, str]) → str

Formats a SQL script using the standard Python string format method.

  • sql_script – raw SQL script string with formatting parameters expressed as {parameter_key}

  • sql_params_dict – the dictionary (of type string to string) that will be passed to the format function


the formatted SQL script as a string

airtunnel.operators.sql.sql_helpers.load_sql_script(script_file_relative_path: Union[str, Iterable[str]]) → str

Load a SQL script from Airtunnel’s script store.


script_file_relative_path – single or multiple relative script path(s) from the Airtunnel script store SQL folder


the full loaded SQL script as a raw string

airtunnel.operators.sql.sql_helpers.prepare_sql_params(compute_sql_params_function, airflow_context) → Dict[str, str]

Prepares further dynamic SQL parameters using an anonymous passed function that computes them.

The dynamic function will be passed the live Airflow context, so that it can leverage it’s information.


a dict (of type string to string) with additional formatting key-value pairs that are added to the default static formatting parameters.

airtunnel.operators.sql.sql_helpers.split_sql_script(full_script: str) → List[str]

Splits a full SQL script into its individual statements (using ;) and removes commented lines.


full_script – the full raw SQL script


list of individual SQL statements

airtunnel.operators.sql.sqloperator module

Module for Airtunnel’s SQLOperator.

class airtunnel.operators.sql.sqloperator.SQLOperator(sql_hook: airflow.hooks.dbapi_hook.DbApiHook, script_file_relative_path: Union[str, List[str]] = None, parameters: dict = None, dynamic_parameters: False = None, *args, **kwargs)

Bases: airflow.models.baseoperator.BaseOperator

Airtunnel’s SQLOperator.


Execute the operator instance using Airflow.

Module contents

A package with several SQL related helpers.